Friday, February 6, 2009

Why can't this leave my mind?

Why can't this leave my mind?
Why can't this leave my brain?
Why can't this leave my thoughts?
Why do I tear up every time I think about it?
Why can't I just get past my fear?

I've heard so many things about blood tests. I've never been so afraid in my entire life. I haven't been so worried or scared, either. I don't even know how I'm going to make it through this appointment, on my first (of two) days off of school, this semester. If I could choose one thing to leave my life, I'd pick my fear of needles. Even thinking about the shot I got yesterday, makes me tremble, and get teary-eyed. I CANNOT stop thinking about this. I'm overreacting, I know it. I'm even annoying myself. I'm working myself up, for something that will be over with in less than five minutes. I could go on, and on about how terrified, and nervous I am. Honestly, I could write paragraphs (in detail) describing it. "It's just one needle", or "It's not even a big deal, you're such a baby". But really, I'm not. I'm sure you guys have fears too. And if you had to face your number one fear, I'm sure you'd be acting this way too.

I guess there's a first for everything, and my first blood test is on President's Day. Thanks Mom for scheduling the worst day of my life, knowing how hysterical I'll be on that day. I'd rather have ANYTHING than this. Anything...

1 comment:

lyssa said...

if it makes you feel better, i'm having a blood test on the 16th too! i can't believe you've never had one though, you lucky duck. i have to have them once a month :[ they suck, but like, if you'd be more comfortable sitting down, TELL THE NURSE. they're always really understanding, because most people aren't thrilled about getting their blood drawn. you will be fine though, i promise :]
i honestly hate having it done more than anything in the world, but i have to. if you have to bring your ipod to listen to music, then do that. or have the nurse talk to you, just try not to think about what is happening. and DONT LOOK. it freaks me out to look haha.
good luck<3