Thursday, March 5, 2009


I honestly don't even know what I'm about to say. My mind is stopping me, but I feel like I need to write atleast one sentence to describe what I feel right now. Not that more than one sentence is too much, it's just not necessary. I feel like I've already said it this way, and that way, and that way, to you a million times. So will it ever get old? Will it ever not make you feel better, like it does now? I'm afraid that telling you what I do, over and over again, will lose it's meaning after time. (But I can't stop). Although, there is that pinky promise, THE pinky promise, I'm always being reassured by you, that it will never be broken. But when this gets old, what happens? I hate thinking about it, but my mind won't let go of the thought. Please let go of the thought, and just know:

I really do believe you.

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